Please note that this page is expressly for patients of Charles L. Blum, DC and is not to be used by the general public.  If you are not a patient of Dr. Blum you do not have authority to view or use the information on this page.

Charles L. Blum, DC does not assume any responsibility for injury arising from any use or misuse of the printed material herein. The printed material contained herein is assumed to be from reliable sources and there is no implication that the printed material herein present the only, or the best methodologies or procedures for the care or treatment of conditions discussed. It is incumbent upon the reader to verify the accuracy of any diagnosis and treatment information contained herein, and to make modifications as new information and/or research arises.

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)
Computer Ergonomics
Low Back Pain and How it may Affect Sexuality
Rehabilitative Exercises
Ankle Stabilzation Exercises

Exercises that can be used to help stabilize a chronically sprained or unstable ankle.

Exercises for Healthy Aging

Booth FW, Roberts CK, Laye MJ. Lack of Exercise is a Major Cause of Chronic Diseases. Comprehensive Physiology. 2012;2(2):1143-1211.

Developing an Exercise Program for Healthy Aging.

Eye Strengthening Exercises

A series of eye exercises has been developed by Ray Gottlieb, O.D., Ph.D, 336 Berkeley Street, Rochester, NY 14607 which he suggests can help people with various types of exercises using various methods such as relaxation, awareness, convergence/divergence, and others.

Forward Head Posture and Shoulder Opening Exercises

Forward head posture or hyperkyphosis is not just an aesthetic issue but can be associated with various types of adverse health related consequences. In this article I am offering an explanation for some of its cause and specific awareness and physical exercises to help reverse and prevent this condition.

Hamstrings, Piriformis, and Groin Stretches – Passive Against the Wall
Sometimes the easiest and most powerful stretches are the ones that be sustained with little effort.  The following exercises show you an effective way to stretch your hamstring (back of the thigh), piriformis (butt muscle) and groin muscles.


Hip or Thigh Inner Rotation – Creating Symmetry or Improving Leg Turn-In

Exercise to Balance Hip and Pelvis Rotation Patterns: Sometimes a sacroiliac joint sprain can conrtribute to reduced hip or thigh inner rotation.  This imbalance can lead to hip related problems as well as poor pelvis, spine, and lower extremity balance and function.


Neck Stability and Strengthening Exercises

The purpose of exercising your neck with an inflatable ball is to help stabilize the cervical spine and strengthen the muscles supporting your neck. If the exercise causes you discomfort do not continue but call Dr. Blum to discuss your condition.  Inexpensive balls can be purchased at any major toy store.


Pelvic Floor Balancing and Strengthening Exercises

This execise helps with balancing the pelvic floor muscles and pelvic and tailbone positions.  Sometimes adding the cervical spine into this exercise can help with chronic neck and low back pain also.  Balancing and Strengthening of the Pelvic Floor Exercise


Piriformis Muscle Syndrome

Article by Dr. Blum which illustrates two possible exercises for two different types of piriformis muscle syndrome:  Blum CL.  S.O.T. & Piriformis Muscle Syndrome. Expression: SOTO Australasia. Jan 2006:1-2.


Prone (On Your Stomach) Straight Leg Lifts

The purpose of this leg lifting exercise is to make the sacroiliac (SI) joint more stable.  While it seems simple doing it properly is essential.  To download the article click here.


Psoas and Hip Flexor Stretches

These exercise to stretch the front of the hip and thigh can be very important for some types of back, hip, and knee conditions. They are best performed slowly and the positionsheld whileyou breathe and relax.  To download the article click here.


Rotator Cuff Exercises

Exercises that can be used to help recover function in the shoulder.


Scoliosis Specific Exercises

These are some basic exercises you can use to help if you have a scoliosis and they should be used in conjunction with the care you receive with Dr. Blum.


Seated Stretches

Seated stretches that would be great for sitting on an airplane or taking a break from computer work. This is from the Bob Anderson stretching book, I highly recommend it, for more information about his book, click here.

Yoga related seated stretches with some gentle rotational floor stretches also good for airplane or taking a break from computer work.


Spondylolisthesis or Anterolisthesis – What is It and What are Some Exercises?

Sometimes a lower back or lumbar vertebra will shift forward for various reasons. What is happening and what can you do about it. Along with care from Dr. Blum this handout will help guide you in the early stage of care.

TMJ – Jaw Tracking and Relaxation Exercises

Learn how to reduce joint popping or clicking as well as faciliate your jaw opening evenly along a midline.

Learn how to relax your tongue and muscles of the jaw and back of your head.  These passive TMJ exercises have pictures and describe the process of becoming aware in order to become an active participant in relatxing your jaw.

Sacroiliac Joint Sprains
Sacroiliac Joint Handout – Information about what a sacroiliac joint is, how it may be sprained, and what you can do about it.
Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorders - Chiropractic and Dental Co-Treatment
Published Articles by Dr. Blum

Blum CL. Dentists and Chiropractors Help TMJ Patients. News ‘n Views: TMData Resources. Jul-Sep 2010; 82:3-4.

Blum CL. TMD Functional Integrative Approach: Dental and Chiropractic Approach to Forward Head Posture.  Journal of the American Academy of Craniofacial Pain. Fall 2009; 22(2):18,31,39. 

Blum CL. Sleep Apnea, Forward Head Posture (FHP), and its Relationship to  Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMD). TMJ Bioengineering Conference Proceedings, Boulder, CO. November 4-7, 2009: 47

Blum CL. Chiropractic, Dentistry and Treatment of TMD. Dynamic Chiropractic. October 21, 2009; 27(22).

Blum CL, Chiropractic and Dentistry in the 21st Century: Guest Editorial  Cranio View. Sum 2009;18(2):15-7.

Blum CL. The relationship between the pelvis and stomatognathic system. 2008.

Blum CL. Forward head posture (FHP) and its relationship to temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMD) and the sacro occipital technique (SOT) category system. Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research. May 7, 2008: 7.

Blum CL,  SOT and the Treatment of TMJ: Why Dentists and Chiropractors Need to Work Together.  Journal of the California Chiropractic Association. Sum 2007 32(3): 12-3.

Blum CL, Non-Synaptic Messaging: Piezoelectricity, Bioelectric Fields, Neuromelanin and Dentocranial Implications  Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research, Jan 2007: 1-6.

Blum Cl, A Survey of State Scope of Practice Laws for Chiropractic – Cranial Therapy and TMJ – 2003. Proceedings on the 2006 Conference on Chiropractic Research, Chicago, Illinois, September 15-16, 2006: 164-6.

Blum CL, Cuthbert S, Cranial Therapeutic Care: Is There any Evidence?, Journal of Chiropractic and Osteopathy, 2006; 14(10).

Blum CL, Globe G, Assessing the Need for Dental – Chiropractic  TMJ Co-Management: The Development of a Prediction Instrument,  Journal of Chiropractic Education  Sum 2005;19(2).

Blum CL, A Chiropractic Perspective of Dental Occlusion’s Affect on Posture,  Journal of Chiropractic Education Spr 2004;18(1): 38.

Blum CL, Chiropractic and Dentistry in the 21st Century: Guest Editorial  The Journal of Craniomandibular Practice Jan 2004; 22(1): 1-3.

Blum CL. SOTO-USA Spinal-Cranial-TMJ Position Paper. 2004.

Blum CL, TMJ Exercises for Patients. The dural connection, July 2002;4(1).

Blum CL, The Effect of Movement, Stress and Mechanoelectric Activity Within the Cranial Matrix, International Journal of Orthodontics, Spring 1987; 25(1-2): 6-14.

Blum, CL, Biodynamics of the Cranium: A Survey, The Journal of Craniomandibular Practice, Mar/May 1985: 3(2):, 164-71.

Traction or Decompression Instructions for the Neck and Low Back
Pronex neck traction or decompression for the cervical spine.  These instructions are preferred to those that come with the Pronex unit you have been prescribed by Dr. Blum.  If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call the office.

Traction for the low back – when performed carefully and regularly over time can be profoundly helpful for chronic low back pain, preventing and helping to improve any lumbar disc degeneration. Click here to see Dr. Blums recommendatsion of the type of lumbar traction and how to use it optimally.